See if the Fowl’s With-Egg

I have to bake a fruit cake

and I really hate to heg;

but go out to the fowl coop

and see if the fowl’s with egg.

I fed them with some rice and corn.

The cock has hurt his leg.

Mind he don’t peck you when you go to see if the fowl’s with egg.

One chicken pecked potatoes

that were set aside by Meg.

She took them from the soup pot

before she see if the fowl’s with egg.

But my birds are so different.

They drink water from a keg

and the whole fowl house come alive

when you see if the fowl’s with egg.

Now don’t forget. My breakfast

recipe calls for an egg.

I’m sure the hens will all oblige

when you see if the fowl’s with egg.